Read below senteces carefully :-
1. - He came to me and spoke against my wife.
2. - You are free to choose a watch or a clock.
3. - It is case of a miser and her money.
4. - Did you know that she was a CEO ?
5. - He will pass if he works hard.
6. - I cannot see how she can win.
Kinds of Conjunctions :
1. Co-ordinating Conjunctions
2. Subbordinating Conjunctions
Co-ordinating Conjunctions
Co-ordinating Conjunctions are of four kinds :-
(1) Cumulative or Copulative. By these Conjunctions one statement or fact is simply added to another ; as
And. – (i) Trust in God and do imprisoned.
(ii) Be just and fear not.
Both….and. – (i) He was Both fined and imprisoned.
(ii) Both you and your friend were there.
As well as. - (i) He as well as his brother is intelligent.
(ii) You as well as your wife are known to me.
No less than. - (i) He no less than his brother is guilty.
(ii) You no less than your wife are a busy person.
Not only…but also. – (i) He was not only fined but also expelled.
(ii) Not onlyhe but also his father is my friend.
(2) Alternative or Disjunctive. By these Conjunctions an alternative or choice is offered between one statement and another ; as,
Either…or. – (i) Either he is mad or she feigns madness.
(ii) She is either your mother or Rohan’s.
Neither…nor. – (i) Neither a borrower nor a lender be.
(ii) She is Neither mad nor over clever.
Or. – He must weep or he will die.
Otherwise, else. – Work hard, else (or otherwise) you will not succeed.
(3) Adversative. These Conjunctions express opposition or contrast between two statements ; as,
But. – He is slow, but he is sure.
Still, yet. - He is very rich, still (or yet) he is not satisfied.
Nevertheless. - He has no chance of success nevertheless he perseveres.
Whereas, while. – Wise men love virtue whereas (or while) fools shun it.
Only. – You may stay in the room only make no noise.
(4) Illative. By these Conjunctions one statement or fact is inferred or proved from another ; as,
Therefore. – He did not work so (or consequently ) he faild.
For. – He will pass for he works very hard.